Words of Wisdom from Proverbs
Chapter 14
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. Proverbs 14:34
When you look at the history of our nation (the United States), the record of its settlement and steady growth and development are amazing. From tiny outposts in a vast wilderness to a thriving, powerful nation in an incredibly short time is astonishing.
As we ponder how this came to be, we read of the faithfulness of the majority of the settlers to God. Even those who were not practicing believers nevertheless had a respect and reverence for God and His Word. The original documents of the founding fathers of the various states as well as the union of those states all recognized God as the sovereign over all and the importance of obeying His laws, even patterning the laws of this country on those in the Bible.
Because of this recognition of God as Lord (not in a particular denomination, but in the Christian faith), the sanctity of human life, the equality of man, and the freedoms of speech, of the press, and of religion was espoused. While our forefathers and our country had some serious faults, the cruelty of slavery being one, nevertheless even that was rectified through the efforts of Christians who recognized its evils. Through books and speeches, and ultimately war, it was abolished.
All Christians were not anti-slavery. However, after the war when the slaves were set free, many elected to stay with their "owners" because their owners were Christians and treated them almost like family. Sadly, although slavery is no longer legal, there continues to be a great level of animosity toward those of another ethnic group. (It has been scientifically established that we are all of the same race--the human race.)
As nations go, the United States (up until a few decades ago) could still be considered a Christian nation who showed respect for God and other humans. Now, however, while there are many who have remained faithful to our Lord; it is obvious that because the older generations have not been faithful in bringing their children up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, righteousness is not a hallmark of this land. In fact, many of our colleges and universities have diverged from Christian principles (even those universities that were started as seminaries [Harvard, Yale, etc.]). Protesters, in the name of freedom of speech, use the most vitriolic language in castigating those with whom they disagree. This very freedom of speech which they claim to espouse is being squelched in the name of freedom from religion and separation of church and state. Neither of the latter two is included in the Constitution which provides for freedom of religion and does not reference separation of church and state at all, only the prohibition of a government-sponsored church.
As our desire to be a godly nation has dwindled, so has the country deteriorated in every area--morals, respect for human life, freedom to worship, financial accountability (both personally and nationally), integrity in both personal relationships and in the business world, and on and on it goes.
God has been very patient with us, and we still have the opportunity to reverse the tide if we have the will to do so; however, the nation is made up of individuals, and if we, as individuals, are unwilling to acknowledge our sins and return to the Lord and righteousness, then our country will not.
Are we doing our part to make this a better nation? We can’t use the excuse that each of us is only one person. God isn't going to hold us accountable for what our neighbors or our congressman do (unless we voted for one who we knew was ungodly when we had a better choice). We must accept our responsibility to study the candidates--to seek out those who have godly values and vote for them and PRAY for them.
In 1 Timothy 2:1-4, Paul says: "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."
Therefore, we have a mandate not only to pray for our leaders, but also to lead godly and holy lives ourselves. So, there we have it. If we really want to see our nation return to being a righteous nation, it's up to us--each one of us--to do our part. No excuses.
Prayer: O Lord, it's so very easy to see what other people should do and to cry and bewail the state of our land; yet, we admit we are slow to do our part by changing our lives according to Your leading. In fact, it seems we seldom bother to ask for Your help to do this. Forgive us for our lack of caring for others and our love for the things of this world. Give us hearts that truly love You and our country so that we are willing to do that which is pleasing in Your sight and for the good of the country. Hear our prayer for our nation and ourselves, most merciful and gracious God. Amen.