Proverbs Up Close And Personal

The Word to the Wise: Volume 3

by Mary K. Turkington



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/21/2020

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781664203129
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781664203112
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781664203105

About the Book

You’ll love the span of years covered in this book. 200 easy-to-read pages, these life stories start back in the Great Depression of 1929 and cycle right on through 2020. Though the advancements made through this last century were beyond the imagination of those early days, people themselves are faced with many of the same dilemmas faced in the 1920’s--on steroids! However, the Lord God is ever the same and has known exactly what would happen and when. In each generation, He has provided according to our needs. Read the stories of how He has given strength and courage to His children, and about His patience and love as He draws people to Himself. Find yourself relating to the problems of so many years ago which in some cases mirror the mess we find ourselves in today. But God is good. Experience peace and comfort within as you read and enjoy these true to life stories and see how God is there waiting to bless you even in the midst of the storms of life.

About the Author

Mary Turkington’s enthusiasm for Proverbs shines forth in the trilogy written concerning this biblical book of wisdom. Proverbs Up Close and Personal, gives a view of how intimately the Lord can be involved in our lives, giving us practical advice for our closest relationships. You’ll love reading stories taken from lessons she’s learned in her own life’s journey.