Book Details
About the Book
We are now living in a world that is turning more attention to physical motions and physical procedures in what they think is necessary for prayer rather than on God who listens to their prayers. The world has turned the procedure of prayer into a ritual most likely because of not getting answers to their prayers. By some religions, there are prayer rugs, prayer cloths, burning candles, chanting, and special postures and positions in prayer. There are special motions with their hands and special beads, and all of which are totally unbiblical. The world has fallen in love with their rituals before, during, and after prayer more than in God who listens to their prayers. They are more concerned with their rituals than receiving answers to their prayers and getting help from God when they pray.
About the Author
Gerald McDaniel was born on June 26, 1954 in Pavo, Georgia and raised in Doerun, Georgia. He was saved September 22, 1974 and called to preach on October 19, 1975. He was married in August of 1976 to Julie Kaye Ferguson of Covington, Indiana. They have four children. Joanna, a preacher’s wife; Josiah, a preacher; Jonathan, a policeman; and Joanna, a preacher’s wife. Gerald has presently eight grandchildren. Gerald has an Associate’s degree in Engineering and a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Theology. He has been in the ministry and a Associate Pastor or Pastor for over 45 years.