This is a story of searching the Bible and opening His Word with my curious mind and spirit. Finding there are many mysteries God has written in His Word to open the eyes of His children and to bring life to their spirit.
He gives us eyes to see the meaning of the mysteries. The many blessings He has bestowed upon His children.
In this book I have quoted many scriptures and have not written anything that is not rooted and grounded in God’s word.
His Words have opened to bring new life to my thinking and faith.
Ask, seek, knock is the way into His truths; and He is indeed, the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
His mercy and peace are abundant as we seek His face.
After I found Jesus to be my Savior; I found there was much to learn to have the freedom Jesus bought for us. As I sought His face, I found that freedom. I found that was just the beginning of my relationship with God. His Word is full of His mercies and grace. Each time we search there is something else to learn. The results bring only peace.
The light of His Word keeps that light burning and gives us a joy that can only come from His love and care.
His Words are there when we need them. God says His Words will never pass away. They are our refuge when we need them most.
Reading and studying His Word, lift’s our mind and gives peace. His word can lift the heavy burdens, heal the broken hearted and let the oppressed go free. He knows what we have need of, even before we ask.
After we find Him to be our Savior, we find Him to be a loving Father who leads us and guides’ us into His truths.
His parables are not just parables any longer. He sheds light upon His word, and it feeds our mind and spirit. The teachings are opened to His children as we seek His Word.
I have studied the Bible all my adult life. I first started to search the Word when I had heard so much fear and condemnation preached in the churches where we attended. I did not know what to believe. I studied the Bible until His Words became life to me. I recorded the many prayers and answers that helped me in studying the Bible. I have shared in this book what I have learned as my eyes were being opened to God’s love.
As you learn of God’s goodness, the pre-conceived ideas that have been formed, gradually dissipates and you find the freedom Jesus bought for you. Knowing that God loves us with an unconditional love; determines how we feel about ourselves as we face life’s challenges. That hunger for God, needs to be fulfilled to have a happy and contented life. We are a spirit in this fleshly body that needs our attention.
Life will take on new meaning as you read His Word.
It is our Father’s pleasure to give us His Kingdom. The way He leads can be completely different than what you may have been taught.
At first you may be hesitant to believe what He is showing, it is so different; yet it will bring life, and peace to your spirit as you listen to His voice.
His Word seems at times, to “leap from” the pages of the Bible. We receive them with joy, as our mind is being renewed.
Being a child of God and not feeling free to worship Him and know that He loves us with an unconditional love; disrupts our entire way of thinking and living. It determines how we feel about ourselves as we face life’s problems. That hunger for God needs to be fulfilled to have a happy and contented life. We are a spirit in this fleshly body that needs our attention.
Since we need food for this fleshly body, we need God’s words written upon our hearts and minds to satisfy the hunger of our spirit.
The greatest gift we will find: (in our searching the Bible) is a heavenly Father that will never leave us, nor forsake us, but be with us to give us hope, wisdom, and understanding of our life’s questions.
As I learned of God’s goodness, the preconceived ideas that have been formed, gradually dissipated and I found the freedom Jesus bought for me.
There is a blessing, when we have it settled in our thinking of who we are, who we want to be, and how to achieve that goal.
God’s words are alive. We will find His words will never return void. His words speak to each one. Just wherever we are in our faith. We are all reared in different walks of life. His words cover all. You will learn as He frees your spirit; God not only will reach out His hand to you; but will gently lead you with His love and patience. He never pressures but waits until we understand His guidance.
There may be questions that need to be answered after we accept Him as our Savior. Sometimes fears and doubts will rush in to distract us. Rest assured that is our fleshly thinking that wars against us being a child of God. His spirit now dwells in this earthy vessel that is within us. We are His Temple. Sometimes our thinking has a hard time wrapping that around our mind. The word will stand. The word says, “He dwells in Temples not made with hands.” (Acts 7:48 KJV). When God’s word is planted in good soil it brings forth abundantly.