It is time to “Suit-up” and guard yourself against the wiles of the devil.
Be Strong in the Lord.
Be Strong in the power of his might.
Don’t you dare blink at the attacks of the adversary! Instead, remain attentive to the Voice of God and the deeds of reasoning. Sometimes, we tend to overthink situations when there’s an easy fix. Learn to pick and choose your fights and walk off like a Champ. Your current state of mind is always to remain SAVED and not give the adversary or his little imps a foothold in the doors of opportunity.
Listen, the Lord did give his people common sense. Many times, we refuse to use common sense and wandering why Jesus has yet to show up. He hasn’t shown up because he has already given you the power to triumph in victory. A great example, when someone falsely accuses you or set traps that you know are there (hint, hint)!!! Here is an EASY FIX—treat them with kindness and let your conversation be that of yeah or nay. Nothing can be misconstrued with yeah or nay! Then, walk off like a Champ. Remain vigilant to your “person” and “identity” in the Body of Christ. You cannot let the devil win all the time. Some situations require a little common sense. Apply yourselves to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
Soldiers of Jesus Christ should not easily fall. Neither should we grow weary at well-doing. But, it happens, and we do get tired of going through. Oh, you thought I was going to go all out with the motivational speech thing. No, friend. Your salvation is real, and the struggle with trying to stay SAVED is real.
For this reason, it is time to “Suit-up” and put on the whole armour. The War has already started, and we are not ready for it. There are no coward soldiers in the Army of The Lord. We have all heavenly gifts to be Valiant Men and Women of God. The Holy Ghost teaches us how to fight. At times, we will need the courage of Joshua, who hated to lose, and he made it clear to God. Yes, there is some SAVED FOLK that hate to lose, especially when they know that failure is not an option. So, if it feels like you are ALWAYS LOSING, maybe, you should check out your personal space, and circle of friends. Possibly, there is “sin in the camp.” Something has become both a hindrance and a stumbling block. It is imperative to self-check. It is okay to “Retreat and Regroup,” whenever possible, know that repentance is the key to sustaining your salvation. Know who you are! Let’s Suit-Up.
Put on the whole armour of God. Every SAVED person must be equipped for the battle. “From Boot Camp to The Pulpit,” is for those who desire to reach their potential and vocation in Ministry. It is never easy trying to apprehend the gifts you want in Ministry. The people closest to you will continuously disparage your dreams. If you are not careful, you will begin to see yourself unworthy to work for Jesus Christ, because your cup is full of negativity.
Put on the whole armour of God, it prepares us for Victory and ask for the Holy Ghost to lead and guide you into all Understandings. The armour of God will help us stand against the wiles of the devil. We are more equipped to overcome his deceitful tactics and awakens our awareness of all the snares set before us.
In this battle, we are not fighting against flesh and blood (ordinary people) and their sinful ways. On the contrary, we are fighting against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The battle is a “Spiritual Battle,” that requires craftiness as a serpent, but humble as a dove. You must learn to be skillful and strategic without compromising your Salvation. In this world, you are dealing with several ranks of devils and familiar spirits that reign in the life of the unsaved. The unsaved are the people who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Because they know not him, they devise strategies to kill, steal, and destroy the ministries of God’s people. There are influential people in high places, and they vigorously rule without fear of nothing or no one. Their hearts are in a state of ignorance and sin. In their eyesight, you appear as a grasshopper in the land of giants.
Be of good courage and fret, not yourself. Trust in the Lord your God and watch him work in your favor. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and truth. Thus, somethings come by fasting and praying. Often, you find yourself in a position, whereas prayer is the only answer. Situations or Circumstances such as those, you still can walk away like the Champ that you are. There is no need to say anything, allow God to fight the battle.