Even though I don’t claim to be a distinguished writer, apart from being thorough in whatever I do, my instinct produced The Nobility of Harvesting the Fruits of Hardwork from the extensive knowledge I had garnered during my university study in disciplined application of accounting with responsibility and transparency. I had diligently employed that discipline in my practical life for 42 years. My employers intensively and extensively utilized such discipline as those itemized in the book. The outcome revealed immense contributions and remarkable experiences garnered from such dedication, devotion and focused determination to do things right.
The book highlights the invaluableness of extreme hard work in achieving goals set with commitment to devotion, dedication, and humbled actions based on trust and faithful endeavor to make it happen. Since God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble, we must take on our commitments without any hesitation. The successes are doable so long as we keep working extremely hard fearlessly and unfailingly. After all, things that look impossible are actually attainable. They just need our sincerely inspired aspiration to do them right.
The author believes that failures must be taken seriously not only to take remedial actions but also to seek God’s Providence to overcome them. It is necessary to develop a habit of working extremely hard by learning even from any number of failures thereby reversing the directions to a successfully fruitful outcome. Failure should never be a reason to fail again but a better reason to ensure never, ever, to fail permanently—work hard, trust God, and succeed.
It is true that accounting obligation is incomplete without the true application of responsibility with transparency. When the latter two disciplines miss out, the reports based on such accounting discipline fail to earn the trust of those for whom the accounting services is done. When it is done with true accountability, responsibility and transparency, everyone involved benefits tremendously. As described in the ensuing paragraph the Word of God in Proverbs 27:17 (ESV) says “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” In spiritual phenomenon, it is undoubtedly the case that from small group style of accountable fellowshipping with Christian brothers and sisters, mental sharpness comes from being around wisemen.
As participants become much more closer they build more trust than haphazardly meeting one another at ordinary times. Such fellowshipping usually creates an ambiance of amiability and closer association with one another in a trustworthy transparency. This happens as group members do sincerely challenge and stimulate one another by way of intimately sharing their experiences in life, and the world around them. Such experience might not have any amount of commonality. Thus, the group learns from one another through discussions and exchange of lessons learnt from the Scriptures and related sources.
In a book from the secular world, the author learned that, in order not to fall into the trap of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, the author of that book suggested that it is necessary to consistently do five things with dedication - exercising, socializing, eating right and sleeping well (seven to nine hours daily), and, trying new things. One finds interesting to realize that the socialization aspect is also promoted in the circles of Christianity. In fact, the Bible in Colossians 3:12-14 (NLT) says: “Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.”
Even more interesting is the Bible’s notes that elaborate the above verses clarifying that “Paul offers a strategy to help us live for God day by day: (1) imitate Christ’s compassionate, forgiving attitude (2) let love guide your life (3) let the peace of Christ rule in your heart (4) always be thankful (5) keep God’s Word in you at all times (6) live as Jesus Christ’s representative.” All the virtues that Paul encourages us to develop are perfectly bound together by love. As we clothe ourselves with these virtues, the last garment we are to put on is love, which holds all of the others in place. To practice any list of virtues without practicing love, will lead to distortion, fragmentation, and stagnation (1 Corinthians 13:3) (NLT, 2659)
Ever since his profession of Jesus Christ, the author started firmly believing in the truth that nothing is impossible for God since he is unbiased in any shape or form as He is God (the Creator), who created only one blood (the red blood of all He created in His own image); He created only one human race, (the race of Adam and attaches no variations); there is one problem, (the sinful nature of the fallen world); and there is only one solution, Jesus Christ. These doctrines of the author are all over the pages of The Nobility of Harvesting The Fruits of Hardwork. The author also wants to express with assured humility that such revelations as those in this testimony could exhortatively inspire, motivate, energize and stimulate all those that are to prepare and enthusiastically learn as well as take-on matters of spiritual importance fearlessly, persistently, patiently, and positively, while unfailingly aiming at invaluable outcomes from the exerted efforts with sharply focused determination.
There must be a desirable component of embarking upon commitments to do what is right, keeping the loving God always in sight. Without devotion and dedication, along with setting viable goals and achieving them, the path to successful completion could be remote or even impossible. However, achievability could be reached so long as sincere level of hard work, patience, resilience and loving care, are mobilized and the grace of God is sought to help us arrive at the goal that He sets for us, according to His will.