Ears but Can't Hear

How the Inability to Hear Changes the Way We See the World

by Sam Wittke



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/24/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9781664267145
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9781664267152

About the Book

In Ears but Can’t Hear, Sam Wittke explores the root dynamics of idolatry and its ongoing presence in what Christians have come to call “the world pattern.” While his first two books spoke of apologetics and a Christian’s place in the political sphere, his third book Ears but Can’t Hear leaves left-right politics and pure intellectual questions concerning the reasonableness of faith at the door and deals with the root issues, consequences, and the escape plan for rebellion against God. Ears but Can’t Hear takes an undeniable snapshot of our modern moment as a reminder that we’ve yet to outgrow the basic human condition, which scripture directly ties to enmity with God. To the best of his abilities, the author hopes to inhabit the depth of the curse that emerges from sin and the height of Christ’s redemptive blessing.

About the Author

Sam Wittke is a young writer who grew up in the Utah Mountains. His first two books The Best Guess and Big American Problems deal with Christian apologetics and the American political framework through a Christian lens. Wittke plans to continue writing books that inspire people for as long as he can.