Since Jesus brought the heavenly kingdom, it is now time for us to ask for the right things. When we pray, we now have to learn to ask the Lord to transform us. The kingdom of heaven came on earth, it now has to manifest from us. Lord, make us doers of your word, help us to put into practice what we preach. If we do that then we will see that the kingdom is already among us.
We have to improve from where we were before, we can only do that with the help of the Holy Spirit who is in us. Holy Spirit is the only one who can transform our lives. We can do all things, we must always remember to surrender ourselves to Him so that His will can be done, not our will. Our lives become easier if we follow His footsteps, because His mission on earth was to set a pace then we follow. If we do that, it will mean that we are following and taking from where He left off.
The whole reason why God sent His Son into the world is because of His love for us. His love to us is that He wants to see us getting salvation. At the same time the devil is trying by all means to lead us astray. That is why we plead with the Lord that we are not led into temptations. On our part we must look at things that might make us sin and avoid them.
The heavenly kingdom is the work of the Spirit, so we must be spiritual. There is always harmony in heaven, for us to qualify, we must start practicing while we are still here on earth. We know that it is difficult, but we have to learn and always ask for His guidance, He is faithful and willing to lead us, but it is for us to strive to stay connected, we should not forget to pass it on because that is the way we answer to the Great Commission.
When you pray do not depart from the fact that you are talking to someone, always have that vision with you as you pray, and you must be spiritual in your approach. Remember that the one you are talking to, knew you before you were born. Bear in mind that you may be praying for something that He did not plan for you, then you must always be able to say your will be done. That way we may move together, without loosing track of His plans on us. If you are understanding that, it means you are growing in spirit. What makes the spirit grow is what you value in life. If you value the things of the spirit, it means that you will grow spiritually.
Make yourself fit into God’s plan, as His plans are for us to prosper, as His children He loves.
As these kingdoms operate differently, we must strive to understand their differences. As what happened at the trial of Jesus by Pilate, when Pilate was questioning Jesus, they were talking of two different kingdoms. We must always be on our guard not to mix these two kingdoms. On one hand Jesus was talking of the heavenly kingdom, while Pilate was talking of the earthly kingdom. There was an expectation that Jesus might revolt against His kingdom. We must ask the Lord to make us understand these kingdoms. Without understanding them, we might go the Pilate way. If at all Palate had known that Jesus’ kingship was not of this world, he would have released Him. We must avoid taking Pilate’s view, because this might lead us into crucifying Jesus by our deeds. What we do, must show the world the kingdom of heaven. It must be visible to the world when it manifests from us.
This article reminds us to focus on eternity and not to be swayed about by the forces of darkness. When we are doing things that concern our eternity we must always evaluate. Some of the teachers of the kingdom, might be doing it for their own glory.
We must not be controlled by the things of this world; the worldly things will remain while our souls transform into spiritual realms.
The earthly kingdom is composed of selfishness, trying to establish the kingdom that is full of cruelty. What people do, they should do it wholeheartedly, and our deeds should be exemplary. This means, we must be following what Jesus gave as an example. That is, He came to release the oppressed, that means we must not oppress anyone if we want to be like Him, not to just pretend. We must not get carried away with the things of this world. We must learn to love one another like He did. In all these things, we must ask the Holy Spirit to lead us.
We must all strive to live in harmony with one another both as countries or as individuals. Let us help one another to live a righteous life with neighbors. We must be able to avoid evil where ever there appears to be evil. Sometimes, those we call enemies, we may have created them ourselves. When we have created them, we start crying foul.
Our kingdom is not of this world, we are working in someone’s vineyard which we must do as the owner of the vineyard pleases. We must always try to be good because Christianity is built on divinity which is an enlightenment to humanity. Christ is the prince of peace, He demonstrated it when He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, when He offered no resistance. By being persecuted, He did it for our sake, as a result we are saved. He must be our guidance, He showed that love and guidance, hence all the glory must go to Him.
If we follow His example, that means we will stay away from sin, what we may take as the smallest sins, defile us and we will come short of the glory of God. Our main objective on earth is to represent the kingdom of heaven here on earth. He does His part, He cares for us, and we should do our part which is obedience.