The Wreck of the Flagship Octavian

A Jake Jezreel Adventure

by Donald Craig Miller



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/6/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781664283886
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781664283893
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781664283909

About the Book

A bitter squabble over a tradesman's inheritance. A frightened man, on the run, trying to evade unseen persons to keep them from stealing that same inheritance.

First century privaate detective, Jake Jezreel, has been hired to step in between these two fighting factions. But when you're in the middle, Jake discovers there is no place to hide.

In Jake Jezreel's latest adventure, "The Wreck of the Flagship Octavian", the detective is swept up into an investigation much greater than he ever could have imagined. The ensuing struggle over the inheritance explodes into a brawl with a violent gang, a precision Roman military raid, and a frantic, climactic chase through the windy streets of Jerusalem. Hannukah is the backdrop of this adventure, with the icy winds of December intruding into all the twists and turns of this intricate tale.

In all of his tough choices along the way, Jake's faith is greatly tested. Living the Christian life in amongst the many evils of worldly society "ain't easy". Time and time again, during this investigation, Jake must depend, moment by moment, upon the powerful wisdom of God.

Who will finally get the inheritance? What claim do the Romans have over the disputed inheritance? What is the trap that Jake finally springs to capture the evildoers?

The tale of "The Wreck of the Flagship Octavian" will draw all these loose ends together in a final, dramatic conclusion.

About the Author

Donald Craig Miller has been writing Christian papers for local churches and newsletters for more than 50 years. In 2018, he launched his first in a series of Christian books based on a first century detective. His Christian writing is a result of attending a Billy Graham writing school in Minneapolis in 1971. This experience encouraged him to develop his already growing desire to write and redirect his desire toward glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ in his writings. Through the cooperation of pastors, he has been able to write for church newsletters and bulletin inserts for churches in the Dayton, Ohio area, and more recently in the Macon and Warner Robins, Georgia area. Miller also has been a Bible teacher for over 50 years, teaching in Sunday school and church settings, in home Bible studies, and as a lay preacher. He found Christ through The Navigators while stationed at Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa. Not long after accepting Christ, Miller realized that God had gifted him with the gift of teaching. From then on, his great desire has been to dig scriptural truth from the Bible and pass it on to other Christians. Based on these years of teaching, the life of Christ has especially come alive for Miller. His desire is to translate his passion for the life of Christ into the lives of his readers.