The Mystery of the Scattered Cross

A Jake Jezreel Adventure

by Donald Craig Miller



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/20/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9798385026760
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9798385026753
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9798385026777

About the Book

For the first century private detective, Jake Jezreel, his whole life had been gloriously transformed by believing in Jesus Christ. But suddenly, in the afterglow of those happy days after Jesus’ resurrection, the world suddenly collapsed in on top of Jake. The hammer of religious persecution fell upon the Christian church in Jerusalem. The chief priests and zealous religious leaders savagely chased after all of Christ’s believers, as the leaders attempted to wipe the Christian ‘cult’ from the face of the earth. And the violent persecution of Christ’s followers had a sinister face to it – Saul of Tarsus! Jake found himself and his pretty secretary, Hannah, caught in the onslaught and on the run. The persecution was crashing in all around them. Christians were being imprisoned. Some were being brutalized. Some were being killed. Jake and Hannah stayed one jump ahead of the devouring enemy. But how long could they avoid the clutches of the vicious mob hunting for them? As they ran for their lives, a completely bizarre mystery began to unfold right before their very eyes. It haunted their every step and crouched in every dark, hidden corner. What was happening? The elusive mystery had no explanation. No rhyme nor reason. Or did it? Wherever they hid, the religious terror prowled right outside the door. Could Jake and Hannah somehow dodge the relentless menace? If they were caught, what brutal tactics would Saul and the authorities savage upon them? Jake knew that time was running out for them and the walls were slowly crushing in upon them.

About the Author

Donald Craig Miller has been writing Christian papers for local churches and newsletters for more than 50 years. Miller has been a Bible teacher for over 54 years, teaching in Sunday school and church settings, in home Bible studies, and as a lay preacher. Based on these years of teaching, his desire is to translate his passion for the life of Christ into the lives of his readers.